School of Theology & Ministry

Biblical Studies Certificate

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are available for those wanting to increase their knowledge in a specific field, or those interested in becoming undergraduate students. BUF certificates are available for specialized fields after students complete a specific number of college credit courses. The credit from these courses may or may not be transferable toward an advanced degree program. If a student wishes to pursue a formal academic degree, the student should determine whether credits will transfer before enrolling in the related certificate program.

What to Expect

The Biblical Studies Certificate creates a pathway for the student to better understand how to read and interpret the Word of God for both personal study and to provide valuable application towards corporate studies (Sunday School teaching, Group Bible Studies, etc.).

Certificate (24 Hours)

Biblical/Theological Foundation (12 sem/hours)

  • BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
  • BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
  • EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
  • SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

Additional Requirements (12 sem/hours)

  • BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
  • PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
  • OT Book Study (3 hours)
  • NT Book Study (3 hours)

Total: 24 sem/hours

Biblical Studies Certificate Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Pastoral Ministry Certificate

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are available for those wanting to increase their knowledge in a specific field, or those interested in becoming undergraduate students. BUF certificates are available for specialized fields after students complete a specific number of college credit courses. The credit from these courses may or may not be transferable toward an advanced degree program. If a student wishes to pursue a formal academic degree, the student should determine whether credits will transfer before enrolling in the related certificate program.

What to Expect

The Pastoral Ministry Certificate creates a pathway for the student to better understand how to read and interpret the Word of God for both personal study and to provide valuable application towards corporate studies (Sunday School teaching, Group Bible Studies, etc.). Additionally, this certificate introduces the student to the pastoral ministry with a focus on sermon exposition and philosophy for the ministry

Certificate (24 Hours)

Biblical/Theological Foundation (12 sem/hours)

  • BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
  • BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
  • EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
  • SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

Additional Requirements (12 sem/hours)

  • BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
  • PR 220. Preparing Expository Sermons (3 hours)
  • PM 210. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Philosophy (3 hours)
  • PR 230. Preaching Practicum OR PM 211. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Practice (3 hours)

Total: 24 sem/hours

Biblical Studies Certificate Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Associate of Divinity

Associate of Divinity Program

For students interested in a two-year degree to get them started in ministry, the Associate of Divinity is a great choice. General Education requirements are partnered with our solid Biblical/Theological Foundation, then rounded out with practical courses specially selected with pastoral ministry in mind. This degree stands well by itself or may be easily rolled into one of our four-year degrees.

What to Expect

Students pursuing this degree will advance their academic knowledge while learning practical skills in Bible exposition and church-related ministry.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Math, Equivalent, OR Higher (3 hours)
HI 304. Christian History (3 hours)
HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

GENERAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION.........................................21 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

BI 205. Biblical Backgrounds (3 hours)
BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
SBC 101. Southern Baptist Life (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
PM 210. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Philosophy (3 hours)
PM 211. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Practice (3 hours)
PR 220. Preparing Expository Sermons (3 hours)
PR 230. Preaching Practicum (3 hours)

MAJOR....................................................24 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES ...............................6 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

Students earning the Associate of Divinity are prepared to handle the basic challenges of pastoral ministry and other church-related vocations. Want more? Then talk to us about rolling this two-year degree into a full four-year Bachelor of Arts. 

Program Purpose

Designed for students who have been called of God into some form of pastoral ministry. The degree will provide basic training for the minister in the areas of Bible knowledge, theological and pastoral skills, and an introduction to the disciplines of general education.

Associate of Divinity Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies

B.A. in Christian Studies Program

If you already have a regionally accredited Associate of Arts degree and are ready to move into ministry, our Christian Studies degree might be the perfect solution. Branded as our “completion degree,” the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies builds on previous knowledge with our solid Biblical/Theological Foundation courses and a rich mix of doctrinal and practical coursework to equip you for service.

What to Expect

Regardless of your field, the Christian Studies degree adds the Bible knowledge and practical training you need to be effective in ministry. Preliminary work in Old and New Testament studies is complemented with Bible interpretation, doctrine, and biblical exegesis. Practical training in evangelism, missions, pastoral ministries, and leadership assure that the knowledge you receive can be put to good use.

General Education Foundation

ASSOCIATE OF ARTS DEGREE (from an institutionally accredited institution) .............................................60 SEM/HOURS

Degree must include a minimum of 30 hours of General Education including at least:
3 hours of Literature/Humanities
3 hours of Social/Behavioral sciences
3 hours of Science/Mathematics
3 hours of Information Technology

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
SBC 101. Southern Baptist Life (3 hours)
PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
BI, OT, and NT courses (12 hours)
HI, PHI, TH Courses (upper-level) (9 hours)
Practical Ministry Courses (CE, EV, LA, MI, MUT, PM, PR, PSY, STM) (12 hours)

MAJOR....................................................42 SEM/HOURS


PM 490. Ministry Integration (3 hours)

CAPSTONE COURSE .................................3 SEM/HOURS


ELECTIVES (must be upper level BCF course) ..............................................3 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

Students who earn the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies will be well equipped to enter a wide variety of ministry vocations including local church ministry and missions or to pursue graduate studies.

Program Purpose

The Christian Studies major is designed to provide students who have completed an Associate of Arts degree from regionally accredited educational institutions with an opportunity for ministerial training on the baccalaureate level and to prepare them for the various types of church-related ministry, seminary, and/or graduate school.

B.A. in Christian Studies Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Studies

B.A. in Ministry Studies Program

The Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Studies degree has everything the future minister needs to succeed. General Education requirements together with our Biblical/Theological Foundation are just the beginning. Forty-two semester-hours of Theology Division Core courses provide the background and training every minister needs. Want specialization? Choose one of five concentrations specially designed to fit your ministry calling.

What to Expect

Ministry Studies students learn everything from basic doctrine, to Bible interpretation, to principles of local ministry. When we add courses in missions, leadership, teaching, and preaching, you can see why this degree is our most popular and that is before we even get into our five concentration areas!

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within General Education Foundation
HI 211 and HI 212 OR HI 223 and HI 224
IT 202

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

BI 205. Biblical Backgrounds (3 hours)
BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
OT/NT Bible Book Studies (9 hours)
PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
TH 301. Christian Doctrine I (3 hours)
TH 302. Christian Doctrine II (3 hours)
HI 304. Christian History OR
HI 405. History of Southern Baptists (3 hours)
TH 403. Apologetics (3 hours)
SBC 101. Southern Baptist Life (3 hours)
LA 200. The Ministry of Leadership (3 hours)
MI 202. Introduction to Christian Missions (3 hours)
PR 220. Preparing Expository Sermons OR CE 301. Principles of Teaching (3 hours)



CONCENTRATION: Pastoral Ministry
PM 210. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Philosophy (3 hours)
PM 211. Introduction to Pastoral Ministry Practice (3 hours)
PR 230. Preaching Practicum (3 hours)
Any six (6) hours of –EV 302. Leading a Church in Evangelism;
MI 311. Church Planting; CE 201. Bible Study Ministries
of the Church; CE 202. Discipleship and Missions
Ministries of the Church; PSY 403. Pastoral Counseling;
LA 202. Church Staff Relations
Capstone: PM 490. Ministry Integration (3 hours)

CONCENTRATION: Biblical Studies
HEB 201 and 202 OR GRK 201 and 202 (6 hours)
BI/OT/NT Courses (9 hours)
Capstone: BF 490. Biblical Studies Integration (3 hours)

CONCENTRATION: Evangelism and Missions
EV 302. Leading a Church in Evangelism (3 hours)
EV or MI courses (12 hours)
Capstone: MI 410. Contemporary Strategies in Missions (3 hours)

CONCENTRATION: Church Staff Ministry
LA 202. Church Staff Relations (3 hours)
CE, LA, EV, MI, PM, PR, PSY, STM courses (9 hours)
LA 401. Leadership Internship (3 hours)
Capstone: LA 410. Leadership Integration (3 hours)

CONCENTRATION: Student Ministry
STM 310. Basic Ministry to Students (3 hours)
STM 313. Student Minister as a Leader (3 hours)
STM 320. Evangelism and Discipleship in Today’s Student Culture (3 hours)
CE 201. The Bible Study Ministries of the Church OR CE 202. The Discipleship and Missions Ministries of the Church OR LA 202. Church Staff Relations (3 hours)
STM 420. Student Ministry Internship (3 hours)
Capstone: LA 410. Leadership Integration (3 hours)

Choose one of the following concentrations .......................................18 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES .............................12 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

Want flexibility? That is what our Ministry Studies degree provides. The Theology Division Core is supplemented by coursework specifically developed to equip you in the area of your own personal calling. Potential career paths include:

  • Pastoral ministry
  • Biblical studies
  • Evangelism and missions
  • Church staff ministry
  • Student ministry

Need help choosing a career path? Our faculty advisors can help you with the process.

Program Purpose

The Ministry Studies major is designed to equip students for various church-related ministries, other ministry roles, and for seminary or graduate school. The major is designed for the student who needs some flexibility in the required program of study.

B.A. in Ministry Studies Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Missions

B.A. in Missions Program

Baptist University of Florida was the first regionally accredited college to offer a bachelor’s degree specifically in the area of missions. Students pursuing this degree will be well-grounded in Bible doctrine, evangelism, and effective communication. Coursework in cross-culture missions, church planting, and contemporary mission strategies is complemented with hands-on fieldwork through a variety of internships and practica. If you are serious about carrying out the Great Commission at home and abroad, the Bachelor of Arts in Missions is an excellent choice.

What to Expect

Added to the General Education courses and our Biblical/Theological Foundation are specific classes developed to equip future missionaries for service wherever God leads them. You will learn the foundations of Christian missions, significant eras in mission history, what missionaries do and why they do it. As well, you will be exposed to world religions, language and culture acquisition, national and international church planting, and strategy development. All of our coursework is biblical, practical, and adaptable to individual callings.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within General Education Foundation
HI 211 and HI 212
IT 202

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Missions Core (48 hours)
PHI 201. Introduction to Christian Worldview (3 hours)
SBC 101. Southern Baptist Life (3 hours)
BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (3 hours)
MI 202. Introduction to Christian Missions (3 hours)
MI 205. History of Christian Missions (3 hours)
MI 311. Church Planting (3 hours)
MI 315. Cross-cultural Missions (3 hours)
MI 401. Missions Coordination in the Local Church (3 hours)
MI 404. World Religions (3 hours)
MI 410. Contemporary Strategies in Missions (3 hours)
TH 301. Christian Doctrine I (3 hours)
TH 302. Christian Doctrine II (3 hours)
TH 403. Apologetics (3 hours)
HI 304. Christian History (3 hours)
BI, OT, and NT Courses (6 hours)

Six hours of either of the following:
PR 220. Preparing Expository Sermons (3 hours)
PR 230. Preaching Practicum (3 hours)
EDU 2010. Psychology of Teaching and Learning OR PSY 310. The Psychology of Learning and Teaching (3 hours)
CE 301. Principles of Teaching (3 hours)
Missions Practica (9 hours of the following)
MI 322. North American Missions Practicum I (3 hours)
MI 323. North American Missions Practicum II (3 hours)
MI 324. International Missions Practicum I (3 hours)
MI 325. International Missions Practicum II (3 hours)
MI 419. Short-term Missions Internship (1-6 hours)
MI 420. Summer Missions Internship (6 hours)
MI 421. Semester Missions Internship (9 hours)

MAJOR....................................................63 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES ...............................9 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

Graduates of the Missions program will be prepared to lead mission work in local churches, work with a variety of mission agencies, or continue on to graduate school or seminary.

Program Purpose

The Missions major is designed to provide undergraduate preparation for both career missionary service and for the leadership of churches in missions and to equip students for various types of mission work throughout North America and the world and for graduate study in missions and/or related fields.

B.A. in Missions Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Master of Arts in Christian Studies

M.A. in Christian Studies Program

Ready to take the next step and earn a master's degree? Our Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) is designed for the busy individual who needs a quality, accredited graduate degree in a flexible do-it-from-home format. Delivered by our experienced professors in an online and/or hybrid environment, students can complete this 30-semester-hour degree at their own pace.

What to Expect

Our Master of Arts in Christian Studies offers the student the choice of two concentrations: Biblical Studies or Christian Ministry, with plenty of room for electives. In addition, students may choose between thesis and non-thesis options. In every case, students are challenged to think critically, research thoroughly, and write clearly.

Thesis Option Degree Requirements

CORE REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 9 HOURS

GR 501. Introduction to Graduate Research (3 hours)
GR 681. Thesis Preparation (0 hours)
GR 690. Graduate Thesis (6 hours)
GR 691-694. Thesis Continuation (0 hours)

AREA OF CONCENTRATION........................... 12 HOURS

Biblical Studies (BS) Concentration OR Christian Ministry (CM) Concentration

ELECTIVES ........................................................ 9 HOURS

TOTAL.............................................................. 30 HOURS

*In some cases, with the approval of both program coordinators, MACS students may take MACO courses as electives in the MACS degree.
1. Thesis-option MACS students are encouraged to maintain continuous enrollment after completing the 24th hour by enrolling directly in GR 681. If necessary, the student may have one semester between the completion of the 24th hour and the GR 681 semester.
2. During the GR 681 semester, students are required to complete a satisfactory thesis prospectus in order to remain in the thesis-writing track. Students who cannot complete an approved prospectus during this semester may complete the degree by taking an additional six hours of coursework and the comprehensive exam.
3. Continuous enrollment following the GR 690 semester is achieved by registration in GR 691, 692, 693 and 694 as needed.
4. Thesis-option MACS students must complete and defend their thesis within four semesters following registration for GR 690. Students who cannot complete the thesis during this timeframe may complete the degree by taking an additional six hours of coursework.

Non-Thesis Option Degree Requirements

CORE REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 3 HOURS

GR 501. Introduction to Graduate Research (3 hours)
GR 680. Comprehensive Examination (0 hours)

AREA OF CONCENTRATION........................... 15 HOURS

Biblical Studies (BS) Concentration OR
Christian Ministry (CM) Concentration

ELECTIVES ...................................................... 12 HOURS

TOTAL.............................................................. 30 HOURS

*In some cases, with the approval of both program coordinators, MACS students may take MACO courses as electives in the MACS degree.
Non-thesis option students may take GR 680 during their last semester of substantive coursework or in the semester immediately following.

Potential Career Paths

Graduates who complete this degree are prepared to serve in a variety of Christian vocations including local church or associational positions and on the mission field. The degree also forms a solid base for further graduate studies or seminary training.

Program Purpose

The MACS is a research degree designed to equip pastors, church staff members, educators, missionaries, and other Christian workers who desire to develop advanced skills in academic research and understanding, knowledge of the literature of the discipline, interpreting and delivering the Christian message, leading churches, and conducting various Christian ministries.

M.A. in Christian Studies Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)
  3. GRE examination (if undergrad GPA was 2.5 or lower)
  4. Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) applicants must have a minimum of 18 hours of regionally accredited biblical, theological, and/or religion studies including BI 212 (Biblical Hermeneutics) or its equivalent and an upper-level Old or New Testament Book Study course. The Registrar, in coordination with the chair of the appropriate academic division, will evaluate transcripts to determine candidate qualifications. Those lacking selected admission requirements but who otherwise meet the admission requirements of the program may make up the missing requirements by taking classes through one of the undergraduate delivery systems at the Baptist University of Florida.

Master of Divinity

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

The Master of Divinity is designed to provide graduate level ministry preparation for both a person with a bachelor’s degree in another field and a person with a bachelor’s degree in a ministry field. The purpose is to prepare a graduate for effective ministry, missionary work, and doctoral study.

Bible (21 hours)

  • OTS 5001 - Introduction to Old Testament I
  • OTS 5002 - Introduction to Old Testament II
  • NTS 5001 - Introduction to New Testament I
  • NTS 5002 - Introduction to New Testament II
  • BIB 6001 - Biblical Hermeneutics
  • Six hours of Exegetical Book Studies from BIB 7001-10 (English) or 7101-10 (Language)

Biblical Languages (12 hours)

  • BIL 5001 - Hebrew I
  • BIL 5002 - Hebrew II
  • BIL 5003 - Greek I
  • BIL 5004 - Greek II

Theology (9 hours)

  • THL 6001 - Systematic Theology I
  • THL 6002 - Systematic Theology II
  • THL 7050 - Apologetics

History (9 hours)

  • HIS 6001 - Christian History I
  • HIS 6002 - Christian History II
  • HIS 6020 - Southern Baptist History

Evangelism (6 hours)

  • EVA 6020 - Personal Evangelism
  • EVA 6040 - Church Evangelism

Missions (6 hours)

  • MIS 6030 - Introduction to Missiology
  • MIS 6050 - Introduction to World Religions

Pastoral Ministry (6 hours)

  • PSM 6010 - Church Leadership and Ministry I
  • PSM 6011 - Church Leadership and Ministry II

Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

  • DIS 5001 - Discipleship and Spiritual Formation

Proclamation (6 hours)

  • PRC 6015 - Homiletics or PRC 6016 - Bible Study Methods for Non-Platform Ministers
  • PRC 6020 - Sermon Delivery or PRC 6021 - Christian Communication for Non-Platform Ministers

Electives (12 hours)

TOTAL: 90 hours

Potential Career Paths

Graduates who complete this degree are prepared to serve in a variety of Christian vocations including local church or associational positions and on the mission field. The degree also forms a solid base for further graduate studies or seminary training.

Master of Divinity Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)

Advanced Master of Divinity

Advanced Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

The Advanced Master of Divinity is designed to provide graduate level ministry preparation for a student with a bachelor’s degree in a biblical/theological/ministry field. The purpose is to prepare a graduate for effective church ministry, missionary work, and doctoral study.

Undergraduate Prerequisites (30 Hours)

  • BF 101. Old Testament Survey (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • BF 103. New Testament Survey (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • HEB 201 and 202 OR GRK 201 and 202 (or equivalent) (6 hours)*
  • BI 212. Biblical Hermeneutics (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • TH 301. Christian Doctrine I (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • TH 302. Christian Doctrine II (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • HI 304. Christian History (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • EV 201. Personal Evangelism (or equivalent) (3 hours)
  • MI 202. Introduction to Christian Missions (or equivalent) (3 hours)

*The 6 hours of biblical language can be met after entry into the program.

**At least 21 hours of these prerequisite courses must be completed before entering the Advanced MDiv, allowing the student to complete 9 hours of the total 30 hours of prerequisites as graduate level courses after admittance into the program. An additional 9 hours of upper-level courses would then be required, resulting in 69 hours on the graduate level.

Biblical Languages (6 hours)

Choose One:

  • BIL 5001 - Hebrew I AND BIL 5002 - Hebrew II
  • BIL 5003 - Greek I AND BIL 5004 - Greek II

Biblical Studies (15 hours)

Any BS, BIB 7000, and BIB 7100 courses.

History (6 hours)

Any HIS courses, except HIS 6001 and HIS 6002.

Theology (9 hours)

Any THL courses, except THL 6001 and THL 6002.

Evangelism and Missions (9 hours)

Choose Three:

  • CM 504. Disciple-Making (3 hours)

  • DIS 5001. Discipleship and Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

  • EVA 6020. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)

  • EVA 6040. Church Evangelism (3 hours)

  • MIS 6035. History of Missions (3 hours)

  • MIS 6050. Introduction to World Religions (3 hours)

  • MIS 6055. Contemporary Missions Methods and Movements (3 hours)

  • THL 7050. Apologetics (3 hours)

Pastoral Ministry (6 hours)

Choose Two:

  • PSM 6010. Church Leadership and Ministry I

  • PSM 6011. Church Leadership and Ministry II

  • PSM 6012. Church Leadership and Ministry III

  • CO 502.

  • CO 510. Counseling and Spiritual Integration

Proclamation (6 hours)

Choose Two:

  • PRC 6015. Homiletics
  • PRC 6016. Bible Study Methods for Non-Platform Ministers
  • PRC 6020. Sermon Delivery
  • PRC 6021. Christian Communication for Non-Platform Ministers
  • CM 601. Expository Preaching from the Old Testament
  • CM 602. Expository Preaching from the Gospels

Electives (3 hours)

TOTAL: 60 hours

Potential Career Paths

Graduates who complete this degree are prepared to serve in a variety of Christian vocations including local church or associational positions and on the mission field. The degree also forms a solid base for further graduate studies or seminary training.

Master of Divinity Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)

Master of Theological Studies

Master of Theological Studies (MTS)

The Master of Theological Studies is designed to provide graduate level ministry preparation for both a person with a bachelor’s degree in another field and a person with a bachelor’s degree in a ministry field. The purpose is to prepare a graduate for effective ministry and missionary work.

Bible (15 hours)

  • OTS 5001 - Introduction to Old Testament I
  • OTS 5002 - Introduction to Old Testament II
  • NTS 5001 - Introduction to New Testament I
  • NTS 5002 - Introduction to New Testament II
  • BIB 6001 - Biblical Hermeneutics

Theology (6 hours)

  • THL 6001 - Systematic Theology I
  • THL 6002 - Systematic Theology II

History (6 hours)

  • HIS 6001 - Christian History I
  • HIS 6002 - Christian History II

Evangelism (3 hours)

  • EVA 6020 - Personal Evangelism

Missions (3 hours)

  • MIS 6030 - Introduction to Missiology

Proclamation (3 hours)

  • PRC 6015 - Homiletics or PRC 6016 - Bible Study Methods for Non-Platform Ministers

TOTAL: 36 hours

Potential Career Paths

Graduates who complete this degree are prepared to serve in a variety of Christian vocations including local church or associational positions and on the mission field. The degree also forms a solid base for further graduate studies or seminary training.

Master of Divinity Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)

Doctor of Ministry

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

The Doctor of Ministry degree is a professional post-graduate degree that seeks to equip ministry leaders for continued service in a contextual capacity in their respective fields of service. The program will help ministry leaders pursue excellence as they serve in their unique ministry contexts.

Foundational Courses (4 Hours)

  • DMF 7001. Thesis and Proposal Development (2 hours)
  • DMF 7002. Ministry Project Prospectus (2 hours)

Concentration (Choose One)

Pastoral Leadership

  • DMPL 7001. Biblical Foundations for Pastoral Leadership (4 hours)
  • DMPL 7004. Ecclesiology and Pastoral Leadership (4 hours)
  • DMPL 7007. Expository Preaching and Pastoral Leadership (4 hours)
  • DMPL 7010. Developing Leaders and Pastoral Leadership (4 hours)


Expository Preaching

  • DMEP 7001. Introduction to Expository Preaching (4 hours)
  • DMEP 7004. Leading Through Expository Preaching (4 hours)
  • DMEP 7007. Preaching the Different Genres in the Bible (4 hours)
  • DMEP 7010. Historical and Theological Foundations for Expository Preaching (4 hours)


Christian Counseling

  • DMCC 7001. Introduction to Pastoral Counseling (4 hours)
  • DMCC 7004. Marriage and Family Counseling (4 hours)
  • DMCC 7007. Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling (4 hours)
  • DMCC 7010. Trauma and Crisis Counseling (4 hours)

Thesis Writing Courses (12 hours)

  • DMWS 7001. Ministry Project Writing Seminar I (3 hours)
  • DMWS 7002. Ministry Project Writing Seminar II (3 hours)
  • DMWS 7003. Ministry Project Writing Seminar III (3 hours)
  • DMWS 7004. Ministry Project Writing Seminar IV (3 hours)

TOTAL: 32 Hours

Potential Career Paths

Graduates who complete this degree are prepared to serve in a variety of Christian vocations including local church or associational positions and on the mission field. The degree also forms a solid base for further graduate studies or seminary training.

Doctor of Ministry Program Admission Requirements

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)


Degrees by Academic Division



SCHOOL of Arts & Sciences


Spangenberg School of Business


School of Music & Worship


School of Education


School of Theology & MINISTRY


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